Sunday, August 31, 2008


Carpet, originally uploaded by ArtInLife.

What does the weave look like to you?


Welding, originally uploaded by ArtInLife.

Clove like design


Tiles, originally uploaded by ArtInLife.

Tiles on a building's columns.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Pattern, originally uploaded by ArtInLife.

Pattern in a brick patio.

Island sculptures

Island sculptures, originally uploaded by ArtInLife.


Fountain, originally uploaded by ArtInLife.

Friday, August 29, 2008


I am currently undertaking the process of learning how to use the mobile blog setting. I will be uploading photos through this format. I also have developed a video blog site through You Tube. Here is the link: Youtube Link

Art Surrounds Us

The main issue this blog explores is "What is Art? & Where is Art?" Some believe that art can only be in private collections or museums or on walls. However, art can be as common as the pattern in a carpet or the design of a spider web. Therefore, the various photos uploaded into the blog with explore where I see art in my life. However, my definition is the deciding factor and may differ from yours. I leave you to decide if it is art or not.

I plan to add polls to the photos or a comment section to allow viewers to decide.

The concept of privacy has become a major topic of interest with the rise of technology. There are numerous complaints about the government, parent and employers, snooping on internet traffic. The ethics of privacy have grayed through the rise of gadgets like camera phones, pda, gps units, laptops and the internet. This blog is an exploration of the supposed invasion of technology into human lives. I am attempting to show others what I see throughout the day. However, I chose freely what I show the public. Thus, the viewer is left with half a vision of what I see.

As the blog develops, so will my understanding of art in the world. Also, subscribers will hopefully develop their own opinion about the definition of art. Hopefully, they too will begin to see the art that surrounds them.